Student with a disability,the steps to follow

Student with a disability

Do you have a permanent or temporary disability or a disabling illness and would like to study at UVSQ? You can benefit from a specific support system as part of the follow-up of your studies and/or the passing of your exams.

The UVSQ encourages you to make yourself known before your arrival. This approach makes it possible to anticipate the arrangements to be put in place and thus ensure a return to school in good conditions.

All of these steps must be completed in parallel with your administrative and educational registration .

Download the needs assessment sheet

This form should be returned to the SAEPH who will contact the future students identified.

1 – Contact, information, visits to premises

If you did not make yourself known before the start of the academic year, and you wish to make a request for accommodation, you must make an appointment with the university health service .

2 – Pass the medical examination

The medical visit to the SSU is an essential step in order to be able to benefit from special provisions for taking exams and adjusting studies. In fact, only doctors from the SSU contracted by the departmental centers for disabled people are authorized to recommend adjustments.

During this medical visit, the study of your medical file and its supporting documents will allow the doctor to define with you the support that will be best suited to you.

The implementation of the facilities by your support officer  will only be effective after the visit to the university health service and their validation by the competent administrative authority.

For the first semester of the current academic year, no later than the second week of November

For the second semester of the current academic year, no later than the first week of March

Consult decree no. 2021-092

3 – Process for your accommodations

The medical service sends the study accommodation request to  your support officer  for your component and to the SAEPH . The SAEPH sends the request for accommodation to the director of the component who will decide on the terms of the checks on knowledge and skills  and your background. A notification order will be given to you by your support manager. The support officer , in conjunction with the SAEPH , is then responsible for setting up the requested arrangements and supports you in your steps.

You will also be directed to your pedagogical referent (depending on the sector in which you are registered). The latter is your privileged interlocutor for all your educational questions. He is also the link between you and the entire teaching team.

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